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Frequently Asked Questions


Which suburbs do you service?

Sutherland Shire, St George and greater Sydney. Most of my current work is around Caringbah, Cronulla, Miranda. For a more extensive view of the areas I service click the link below.

Click here for a coverage map

Are the products safe for my unborn or newborn baby?

Minimal exposure is recommended when dealing with babies. It is usually best for you to leave the premises and return within a couple of hours.

We service childcare centres and hospitals with the same products that will be used in your home. All pesticides carry with them inherent dangers, however our technicians are trained in the application of those products to minimise the risks to people or pets.

What about my pets?

It is advisable to remove the animal or animals from the area during treatment.

Dogs and cats we recommend removing any food or water bowls before the service and then replacing the bowls after the service is completed. If there is a treatment to be carried out to the exterior of the home, the ideal would be if the animal can be moved to a neighbour or friends property whilst the treatment is being carried out, if that is not possible then place the animal in the garage or laundry whilst the exterior is being treated. The animal can be returned outside once the products used have dried.

Birds in small or mobile cages should be moved away from the area being treated (inside if possible) and covered if still on the property. Large aviaries need to be covered with tarps or similar whilst the treatment is being carried out.

Fish inside the premises should have the top of the tank covered in glad wrap and a towel or similar and the filter turned off. Fishponds around the premises must have a tarp or similar covering them.

Reptiles are very susceptible to many pesticides and can be particularly susceptible to Pyrethrins which are very commonly used for pest management because of their low toxicity to, and persistence in humans. Therefore if there is a need to have pest control carried out it is best to have the reptile moved to another property whilst the treatment is carried out. If you cannot move the reptile to another property consider not having the interior of your home treated or maybe confining the reptile to one room and not treating that room.

Reptiles that are affected by Pyrethrins can be more adversely affected by cold weather, so if you must treat a pest, try to wait until it is warm as the risk of poisoning dramatically reduces.

Other measures to take before a treatment is carried out is to remove food and water bowls and after an internal treatment mop all floors to remove any residue.

Are your products environmentally friendly?

The vast majority of gels, sprays and other pest control formulations available to the pest management industry in the present day are researched and manufactured with the health and safety of people, non-target species, and the environment as a top priority. The modern-day pesticide formulations/active ingredients we use are loosely referred to as ‘new generation’ pesticide products. They are manufactured to break down over time, therefore avoiding any potential to compound and build-up in our diverse array of sensitive eco-systems. We are selective in what we use, how we apply it and where we apply it.

Will the products stain my carpet or ruin any furniture?

No, the products will not cause damage to your home or furniture. In the case of carpet beetle and flea treatments where the entire carpeted areas are treated, the technician would test a small obscure area of carpet if in doubt.

Do you do services on weekends?

Yes, we can organise services on both Saturdays and Sundays if it is more suitable.


Do I need to remove anything from my cupboards or move any furniture?

No, there is no need to remove any items from within your cupboards during standard treatments. This may be required with German cockroaches, pantry pest or fabric pest treatments. There is usually no need to move or re-arrange any furniture.

Do I need to leave my home during the service?

No, you do not usually need to leave your home during the service. For some unusual pests or services, there may be a requirement to vacate the home, the time frame for re-entry can be advised by the technician.

What happens if it rains the day after the service?

As above, light rain will not have an effect on the products placed around. Normally, rain on the next day does not significantly affect the effectiveness of the treatment. The treatment will only be compromised in cases of heavy or persistent rain and only in the areas away from the buildings where completely exposed to heavy rain.

How long will the service take?

The duration of the service is dependent on the size of your home and the types of pests that are being treated. Call 0409 531 886 if you would like the estimated length of your particular service.

A General pest control treatment (interior and exterior) averages 1.5 hours.

Whereabouts in my home do you service?

With your permission, our technician can service all areas of your home. Commonly treated areas are inside and outside of the house. If it is accessible, our technician will also service your roof void and subfloor area of your house.

How long does it take for the product to take effect?

The products will start to take effect immediately once applied in and around your home, however, they can take varying time frames to reach full effectiveness dependent upon the pest being treated, and the product used to do so. Our service technician will advise you on the time frames for your individual property on the day of treatment. Occasionally and dependent upon the severity of the infestation a follow-up or series of follow-up treatments may be required, our technician will advise on the day of the treatment.


How long should I wait until I can clean my house?

You should wait approximately 5-7 days before cleaning your home. However, if it is imperative that you clean within the waiting period, it is recommended to leave an inch around any skirting boards in your home to avoid washing away any products. Exteriors of windows and doors (where treated for spiders) should be given 1 to 2 weeks before cleaning off the residues.

What happens if it’s raining on the day?

If there is only slight rain on the day, then the service can be carried out as per normal as the rain will better help the products to soak in the treated areas. However, if there is a heavy downpour of rain, our technician will service the internal home first, then return another day to complete the external home. Alternatively, you can call our office to reschedule the service at a later date if the rain is heavy or persistent.

How often should I have a service done?

We recommend having an annual Timber Pest Inspection or more frequently in higher risk areas and a General Pest Service annually or bi-annually. However, depending on the type of pest infestation a more frequent service period may be recommended to ensure your home is safe and protected.

How do I make my payment?

You may pay by cash or direct deposit on the day of the service.

Is there a guarantee/warranty period?

Yes, all our services are accompanied by warranty periods. The warranty time frame will vary depending on the service performed. Please inquire with our staff in regards to these warranties on 0409 531 886.

Why am I seeing more pests after my treatment?

Initially, homeowners may see an increase in pest activity after a treatment. This applies to ants, cockroaches, silverfish, rodents and more. Spiders are generally flushed out immediately post-treatment, however, some may still be suffering from the effects of our treatment and are capable of biting. We recommend not to worry, as the increase pest activity will usually subside after two weeks. If pest activity has not subsided, please contact your local branch.

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